
Thursday, April 9, 2009

On Good Friday, Flowers for Italy



  1. Ah, flowers! Beautiful flowers! A good place to display it. :)

  2. I love daffodils, as they are a sign of renewal.;)
    In Danish they are called "Easter Lilies", so this post is so very appropriate.
    Wishing you a tranquil Good Friday.

  3. Thank you so much SallyMandy. What a monumental disaster- that's all I've been thinking and reading about. I've contacted all my relatives in Italy and I'm so relieved that they're all ok. It seems that Venice and the Veneto region have felt the tremors but nothing significant. You are so thoughtful:)

  4. Glad I found your site. Happy Easter!

  5. Yes, I hear they are having a national day of mourning there. Thanks for reminding me.

  6. Daffodils are such hopeful flowers. Good choice!

  7. that reminds me

    i need to buy flowers today

    for my friends unbirthday
    we're having a party :)

  8. Awww. Nice thoughts for those in pain and sorrow. I join you with my prayers.


  9. How thoughtful of you, doing that. The composition, and blues and yellows make this photo have a painterly quality to it...

  10. Daffodils - the sign that winter is ending.

    We're just coming into it here, but I'm enjoying the Autumn leaves turning now.

  11. Sallymandy,
    What a lovely tribute of hope.
    You are a gem.

  12. Mmm... daffodils.

    I painted some daffodils in my oil paint class a few weeks ago.

  13. What a thoughtful post. A picture truely tells a thousand words. Enough said.

  14. SallyMandy-
    I join you in thinking and praying for those in Italy who are suffering great losses. Flowers and spring in general bring me such joy- I love your blog-have a super weekend. avec joie du midi!

  15. Everyone: I took this photo last week intending to use it in a second post about recession-friendly flowers. (Gal Friday, that was kind of you to say it's painterly--it was an accident; I took it early in the morning when the light outside was blue, so as to avoid showing my readers that the window needs washing.)

    But anyway, once I got the photo there I realized that I haven't said anything about the tragedy in Italy, and those people would be so lucky to have recession-proof flowers as their biggest issue of the day. My heart goes out to them.

    Tomorrow is Easter, and whether you celebrate the holiday yourself, I think we all share a joy in the reawakening of the earth at this time of year and the bounty of beauty that comes with it.

    Have a lovely Sunday, all.


  16. Lovely, as usual. Ciao dear sallymandy

  17. these flowers are gorgeous -- my grandma's favorite!!!

    hope you have a great easter! :)

  18. I just love daffodils!

    Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog.

  19. so you like reese's, too? if we had a contest to see who could snarf them down the fastest, i am pretty sure i would win. those things don't stand a CHANCE in my house. :)

  20. Thank you so much! I'm not using Livewriter - I don't even know what it is!! But I have had good luck (fingers crossed) with Blogger. I am so appreciative of everyone's help. Some of my photos just jump off the screen in an enlarged state, so I would love to have the know-how. You are too kind! Just love visiting with you - and love these late night meetings across cyberspace. I am not an early riser and it seems that I am always the last to read a post...but I get there!!! I live in another world...head in the clouds. Ha!
    Much love to you -


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