
Sunday, May 10, 2009

What is an Artist? Some Things to Ponder

roomsbythesea Rooms by the Sea, Edward Hopper 1951

The artist has one function--to affirm and glorify life.  W.
Edward Brown

The role of the artist I now understood as that of revealing through the world-surfaces the implicit forms of the soul.  Joseph Campbell

What is an artist? A provincial who finds himself somewhere between a physical reality and a metaphysical one. It's this in-between...this frontier country between the tangible world and the intangible one -- which is really the realm of the artist.  Federico Fellini

The dignity of the artist lies in his duty of keeping awake the sense of wonder in the world.  Marc Chagall

Great artists are people who find the way to be themselves in their art. Any sort of pretension induces mediocrity in art and life alike.  Margot Fonteyn


  1. Wonderful! As many opinions as there are artist.;)
    My favorite is the absolutely last one.
    Love all the pictures, they are like fantasy escapes or snapshots of a dream.;)

  2. All so inspiring and so true.

  3. I think that you are an artist.


  4. So interesting! An artist is a creator for sure- someone who inspiress, evokes or provokes, never leaving you untouched. Thanks Sallymandy:)

  5. An Artist is someone who loves what they do, does it with integrity, and for himself first.

  6. I wrote a post about beauty in art today and then came over to visit you. I really needed to read these quotes today, especially the one by Margot Fonteyn.

  7. While are all insightful, I'm with Chagall on this one. Everyone needs more wonder in their life.

    Thanks to all the artists who make that happen.

  8. I think we are all artists in some way. Adding to the world around us and trying to keep a record of what we encounter. To me that is what art is about -- preserving a feeling, a glimpse or a dream to share with someone else.

  9. I love these quotes. Never heard of any of them before, but it rings true to my ears.

  10. fabulous quotes and so true. so many different ways to be an artist.

  11. HOORAY for artists! they make the world a better place. :)

  12. I love the way you present the concept and then let us readers reflect on the subject with our contributions and comments.

    This is a very interesting subject, be prepared for a long, long conversation.

    Let me add another quote to your wonderful list:
    ARS EST CELARE ARTEM; true art is to conceal art.

    Ciao dear friend

    The images are lovely, I must see about this Ken Brown...

  13. An artist helps us view the world in an entirely different way :)

  14. I guess there are as many interpretations of the word artist as there are artists, and all those regular sorts, as well.

  15. Oh my goodness, I didn't realize that some of my favorite pictures are by Hopper!!!!!! I am so glad you posted on this topic!

  16. I could spend my days in museums pondering the world through artist's eyes.

  17. I have a thing for "quotes" and art...and Hopper, so this was a good post to read this Tuesday morning as a little treat before I go off to do my errands.
    I think everyone is a artist at something. Sewing. Gardening. Cooking. Knitting. Arranging a bowl of flowers.
    I have a friend who throws the best parties-- naturally bringing friends together and creating an environment where there is the pleasure of good food, good company and feeling happy and at ease in her home. I think it is an art, in a way...

  18. Great quotes. And I totally agree with Shar, artists change how we see things.

  19. Wonderfully inspiring post. Aren't we bloggers all artists, in some way, trying to pose our views, opinions and attempting to express our experiences? I think so.

    Great post!

  20. Food for thought :)
    Anything might be art. An artist is who make art. An object regarded as Art today may not have been perceived as such when it was first made, nor was the person who made it necessarily regarded as an artist. Both the notion of "art" and the idea of the "artist" are relatively modern terms.
    “And it is upon this capacity of man to receive another man's expression of feeling and experience those feelings himself, that the activity of art is based” that was in one Leo Tolstoy’s definitions of Art.
    I think artists do not see the difference between creating an original work of art, such as a painting, and designing a textile pattern that would be reproduced many times over. Each is a valid creative act.


  21. Yes. So, it is: life imitates art AND art imitates life....

  22. Hi Everyone, I've loved hearing your ideas and thoughts here. The past few days I've been mulling them all over in my mind. My family must think I'm a nut--well, so what else is new?

    I usually respond to every comment individually, but all the responses to these questions about art and writing have kept me going back to more I'm behind in my commenting. Please forgive me, but it's kind of your fault. You gave me too many stimulating things to ponder.

    Love and thank you's, Sallymandy


I love comments and read every one. As time allows I also love to visit readers' blogs. Thanks for visiting!