
Saturday, May 30, 2009

Sassy Summer ‘Do and Refurbished Flowers—Yes, Another Installment of Vanna White Dog


I’ve just gotten back from a two-day work trip.  My husband and daughter got along fine, in spite of H.’s foot injury and crutches (from which she’ll recover fully).

One of the first things I did was to refurbish last week’s Flowers de la Semaine.  I found them last night pretty much dead on the kitchen table—I guess they were not a priority around here while I was gone. 

The green mums from the grocery store were still going strong, so I pulled them out and washed them off.  I added some other stuff from our yard:  one sprig of blooming white lilacs from a very low-producing bush; pink hawthorne branches, and some other white branches whose name I can’t remember. 


I put this arrangement in a green Royal Doulton pitcher that had been my grandmother’s.  The state of my house these days is making me feel a little like a slum-dweller, so I’m casting around for all the refinement I can find. 

If you’ve been following Flowers de la Semaine, you know that this cute white doggy is really a little boy named Riley, but when it comes to flowers he likes to pose as Vanna White Dog.

Vanna is now sporting his/her new summer haircut.  It was warm in the photography corner today, though, and s/he was having trouble looking the part. Daughter H. stopped by help out…


…and then Vanna pooped out altogether. 


Here’s wishing you a weekend that’s full of whatever you need for yourself, your life, and your loved ones.  ♥♥♥


  1. Such lovely flowers, and a very photogenic dog too! I might look in my garden tomorrow and see what I can cut for indoors. The garden is really overgrown and a bit wild, but there are *some* nice flowers in bloom right now.

  2. This is so kind of you, to let us in your home, allowing us to smell those intoxicating lilacs and getting to pat your doggie.

    These are lovely, personal and sweet posts. Grazie!

    Have a super weekend, SM. And welcome back. Your daughter is ok, yes?

  3. Sweet Sallymandy -
    I wish I could have shared my cake with you. Your comment filled me with happiness. Thank you so very much.
    I like to redo my flowers too. I took some of the orchid sprays from last week (you know those inexpensive ones that you can buy at the supermarket and they last forever?)and I pulled off the freshest blooms and floated them in water. They have held up that way for 3 days now - and outside too, where it is hot as can be. Would be so pretty with a floating candle too. I'm feeling pooped out like Vanna White-dog tonight. Trying to ready a new post but not really getting very far.
    Enjoy your weekend,

  4. Beautiful photos, my dear.


  5. Flowers and animals, I can not imagine a better combination.;))
    Wishing you a lovely last day of May.;))

  6. Vanna is gorgeous (and ages so well;)

    I finally have some time this week to play around in my garden- and hope the weather will be warmer and sunnier than it's been for the past 2 weeks- eech! I love your flowers-such gorgeous arrangements.

  7. your dog is so cute!! and totally reminds me of this sculpture:

  8. You know what? I get a good feeling when I stop by this blog. I like your white dog, your flowers, your stories. Good feeling.


  9. I'm glad your daughter will fully recover. Vanna's job must really be exhausting ;)

    Glad to see you back!

  10. what a lovely blog! i didn't realize you had left a comment on my blog. I was going through my old posts and there you were. I wanted to see what you were all about and thank you for visiting my blog and hope you come back soon. That's it!


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