Thursday, June 18, 2009

Doggie du Jour and Flowers de la Semaine


Hazel loves summer!


And I love three dollar flower bunches!


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Looking out my kitchen window…


Linda Lu said...

what a cute dog and pretty flowers!

Patsy said...

You know what? Your flowers all look ”chatty“ -- like they're looking at each other, chatting about something. Informal, relaxed, cheerful.

So so refreshing.


Patsy said...

testing. i just wrote a comment and it;s not registering...................... lorna

Saz said...

love flowers, since turning 50 last year I realised that I shouldnt wait any longer. There was no way anyone was gonna buy me flowers regularly or otherwise. Now each week l buy a few bunches and spinkle them through the house. I llove them..and my garden doesnt supply a regular amount as yet to satisfy.. and satisfying it is..
I'm with you on this one!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous pics! I need to go out and find some 3 dollar flowers - they look so beautiful!

Profoundly Superficial said...

Does Hazel love flowers? My cats do. They mistake them for salad and eat them.

Eleonora Baldwin said...

And Hazel has a heart-shaped nose too!
I love Gerberas, you know that dontcha?

Have a fantastic weekend!

Lola xx

Lucy said...

See how easy it is to bring a smile? We make it so complicated for nothing! Thanks Sallymandy, I'm smiling!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for giving me bouquets of flowers every week. It brightens up my day :)

xxx said...

i love hazel!

best wishes

Pyzahn said...

Hazel keeps getting cuter. And such a lovely tradition you have with Friday flowers.

Lianne said...

Hazel is absolutely adorable. What a face! I just want to smooch her right on the lips (ok, too much info, but from one dog person to another, I think you might know what I mean). Gerberas are one of my favorite flowers too. Thanks for making it a lovely Friday.

Couture Allure Vintage Fashion said...

Those Gerberas are a gorgeous color!

La Belette Rouge said...

Puppy, LOVE!!!!! Soooooo cute! I love that nose.

drollgirl said...

such gorgeous shots!!! i hope you have a great weekend. :)

Marie said...

It looks like everyone has a fave in these, and mine is the Queen Anne's Lace- so lovely and vintage feeling...or from a fairy tale.

Woman in a Window said...

Simply beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Must have flowers in the house. JP's lovely, he buys me flowers often, this week they were roses [sadly no scent] I also pick wildflowers [known as weeds] if they are pretty and raid the garden too often.

LOVE your dog, a Westie, yes? Could be Milou.

Maria Killam said...

There's just something about Gerbera Daisies that are happy! Love them

sallymandy said...

Thanks, Lilith!

Lorna: I never thought of that way, but now I see what you mean.

FFF: Good for you. It's way past time to stop waiting.

Audrey: I live by the 3 dollar flower bunch.

ProSup: Thankfully, the dogs do not eat flowers. I used to have cats that did, though.

Lola: I know, isn't that nose the cutest? NOW I know you love gerberas!

Ms Lucy, Pyzahn and Sher: Thank you for the feedback. The flower posts are sort of an easy way for me to do a post, yet I love them, too.

Ribbon: We love Hazel, too. She's actually not our dog; she lives down the street, but is sister to our dog, and she visits often. We get to keep her when her family goes on vacation.

Lianne: I get it about the kisses. I never was a dog person until I had two Westies, and now I am!

Couture Allure: They certainly caught my eye, too.

Belette: Irresistible, no?

Thanks, Droll.

Lemondrop: I love the QAL too. It came from our yard.

WinW: thank you!

Moannie: How nice that JP buys you flowers. Wonderful. I love wildflowers, too. Yes, Hazel's a Westie like Milou.

Maria: right, you can't be sad with a gerbera.