
Saturday, September 5, 2009

“Be Not the Slave of Your Own Past…” Words for Meditation

cool-pic1.jpg art ocean escape image by iamanerd121

Be not the slave of your own past.

Plunge into the sublime seas,

dive deep and swim far,

so you shall come back with self-respect,

with new power,

with an advanced experience

that shall explain and overlook the old.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thank you to Lynds at LandofLynds for posting this quote on her blog, where I found it.  Photo from; click on photo to see photographer’s information.



  1. neat neat neat. Thanks for posting this

  2. What a wonderful quote - really thought provoking. Thank you for posting it.

  3. Very nice quote. But I just thought I should mention that nothing happens when I click on the photo in question.

  4. Very contemplative and accurate words.
    Lovely new design and look.;)

  5. How appropriate for my life at the moment -- as I enter a couple new stages of my life.

    Thanks, Sallymandy.

  6. Oh, that Emerson. He really knew a thing or two, didn't he. Great photo find to match the quotation.

  7. Good morning on a rainy Sundy to you all...thanks, Suecae, I'll figure out what went wrong with the link.

    I loved this photo when I found it, and I must credit the photog!

  8. SallyMandy, are you on the brink of something?


  9. Lovely post. Great remodeling of your blog too.

  10. ..oops thought I was in the wrong place for a mo..

    lovely new look to your blog.....and I just the words of love RW Emerson...

  11. Great depth in this post today; and I love what you did with the new look!


    Lola xx

  12. To sallymandy:
    LOVE the pic you found to go with the quote!
    LOVE that LandofLynds, too! (My Daughter, of course!) ;^) ;^) ;^)
    If you knew how well this quote matched us-----
    It is inspiring!
    (Love your new blog design, too!)

  13. I'm a firm believer of moving on. If one has made a mistake, move on and learn from it. If something bad has happened to you in the past, don't dwell and blame your future for it. You are the one who can change your future. That is in your power, now take control of it!

  14. OH.... such food for thought!!!!

    Love your new layout.

    Hope you're having a nice long weekend, dear


  15. Oh Sallymandy there's so much to comment on here! first I love the look of your blog, there is such a warm and comfortable feeling and it's so pretty.

    I love that book, I am so glad you told us about it, I have some of the other ones that you mentioned and I feel the same way, I can't really do anything in them for myself. I can't wait to have a look at the sweater book.

    and I really like the cuff too! that is what I would have chosen. Don't you love Etsy? I have a small shop on there, just not much on it so I haven't really told anyone. Soon, I'll get it going! it's hard to find the time for everything.

  16. If anyone is thinking "Yes, but how?" I recommend the book "Nonviolent Communication" by Dr. Marshall Rosenberg, or see the Center for Nonviolent Communication,

    A proven process for relating to ones' self and others with authenticity and compassion.

  17. Lorna: I feel as though I'm always on the brink of something, but yes...I'm on the brink of something. Readers will hear about it, I'm sure...

    Lakeviewer and FFF, Lola and Cynthia: Thank you. I'm glad you like the new look!

    Sher: Amen!

    Seeker: Thank you...

    Lori: I adore Etsy, and I'd like to come see your store!

    Small Fabric: Good, I'm glad you like them. I love little pithy things to think about during a day.

    Duchesse: Thanks for the book suggestion!

    FS: I think a lot of us do...


I love comments and read every one. As time allows I also love to visit readers' blogs. Thanks for visiting!