Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Thought for the Day September 8, 2009


 ”Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror.”

Kahlil Gibran


Zuzana said...

I love Kahlil Gibran; his quotes are filled with hidden wisdom and this one is no exception.
I have posted a quote from him once about children; one of the best quotes I know.;))

ethelmaepotter! said...

I absolutely adore this photo. It has an almost ethereal quality; the lilac is striking against the many grays and the contrast is perfect. Utterly feminine and charming.

Eleonora Baldwin said...

I am speechless... the image matches the wisdom in Gibran's words perfectly.

Sometimes I forget I live surrounded by Beauty. This post has jolted me with the thought, and I will use this emotion to pull myself up every time I feel down.

Lola xx

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

. . . if only . . .

Lucy said...

Yes...how true (and all the more if we could all look like her;) gorgeous post- thanks:)

Saz said...

I have this image on my mobile phone....love the lilac hue! and sentiment!

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

Lovely quotation, and I want that dress!!

Anonymous said...

sounds narcissistic LOL! But if I were wearing that dress, I'd be looking in the mirror too :)

Cynthia L. H. said...

Wow! I want that dress, too! ;^)
Well, mostly...fitting into that dress would be nice.

Rosaria Williams said...

Wow! Wonderful find.

Velveteen Rabbit said...

You always find the most exquisite images....... x