
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Days of Swine and Noses. Please Stay Tuned and We'll Talk More Later.

I'm so pleased and grateful for the comments and discussion that my last posts on Women and Happiness have generated. I've spent the weekend thinking about all you've shared, and reading more about these topics.

For instance, here are two titles well worth looking for. "Between Ourselves: Letters Between Mothers and Daughters," in which such creative notables as Sylvia Plath, Virginia Woolf, and Karen Blixen/Isak Dinesen tell in intimate detail the workings of their minds and hearts as regards being a woman in a world largely defined by non-women. "Twelve Habits of Highly Creative Women," is an outstanding and thoughtful study--rather superficially named--useful to both genders, of cultivating true freedom of expression and satisfaction in living by one's own lights.

But this week, my daughter, whom some of you know as my guest poster SeeSpotRun, is ill. We're hoping it's not H1N1, of course, but seems like it might be.

I'll be posting again soon, but for now, I'm choosing imbalance in order to throw myself into mothering.

xo, Sallymandy


  1. My sympathies Sallymandy, the Teenager in Waiting has the dreaded swine flu too....get well soon SeeSpotRun!

  2. Between Ourselves was a favorite of mine when I discovered it almost 20 years ago. I still have it on my shelf, and I have recommended it to others and given it as a gift as well. I'm thinking about re-reading some of my other favorites this winter -- perhaps I'll add it to the list.

    Embrace the imbalance -- your daughter is lucky to have you at her side.

  3. I read one of your articles. I think I'll read them all eventually. Interesting really to see the existential question - what makes us human in both difference and similarities.

  4. Big hugs to little one, and hope she gets well soon. xxoo

  5. Oh my gosh....well as lve said before since the flu left our house...the swine stayed and stayed and stayed, she is better, but so tired and this teenage speak or swine speak...I read it is here a week and then the 'bruise' stays a be warned...I hope it is not..

    saz xx

  6. Sally Mandy: That first book sounds very interesting I am going to look it up.

    Funny, yesterday I posted about Karen Blixen - and today I have a post about old home remedies including some for colds and flu. I think we're operating in parallel universes here!!

    Hope your daughter bounces back to normal quickly - and that you don't catch whatever it is. Take care.

  7. Hope your baby gets well soon.;) But I am sure she will.

  8. Oh no, SSR... I hope you feel better soon. And I hope you stay well, sallymandy.

  9. Please keep us updated when you can( embrace the imbalance). We'll be here when you get back.

  10. sorry to hear of your daughter, hope things turn around soon for her and you.

  11. I hope your daughter gets well soon. I am so glad you posted the Huffington Post article and these references to books. I sent the article to my two dauthers - one of which already replied that she loved the article and answered "everyday" to all the questions. Life is GOOD. I've put the two books on my reading list and I am looking forward to them, I have been interested in Karen Blixen and can't wait to read more about her.

  12. I hope your daughter gets well soon. I am so glad you posted the Huffington Post article and these references to books. I sent the article to my two dauthers - one of which already replied that she loved the article and answered "everyday" to all the questions. Life is GOOD. I've put the two books on my reading list and I am looking forward to them, I have been interested in Karen Blixen and can't wait to read more about her.

  13. Get well Sallymandys daughter! Take good care of your self too Sallymandy.
    go gently. ♥

  14. Oh no! And yet, a reminder of one of the many things we do so well: love and comfort for someone suffering.


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