Thursday, October 8, 2009

A Quick Hello from SeeSpotRun


Hi, this is SeeSpotRun. As Sallymandy may has told you on Wednesday I was informed that I have H1N1 (swine flu), and I’ve been out of school for four days, and I’ve been the sickest I have for a long time.  I just wanted to say a quick hello and I hope you stay healthy this fall, and here are some quick ways to keep healthy!

  • Wash your hands often.
  • If there’s a person near you who has the flu, don’t get too close to that person.
  • Drink lots of water.
  • Eat healthy meals.
  • Get enough sleep.

I hope none of you are sick, and have a great weekend!





Nina said...

I hope you get to feeling better soon. Thanks for the info on trying to stay healthy. Love and Light, Nina P

Zuzana said...

I am happy you feel better; your advices are well noted and appreciated.;)
Say hi to your lovely mom for me.;)

Gal Friday said...

Those "how to stay healthy" tips are so simple and everyone should try to rmember them--so I appreciate the reminder, SeeSpotRun.
I am so sorry you had to catch that virus and that it made you feel so horrible--may you have a healthy rest of the school year!


Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

SeeSpotRun: Thanks for those great tips. Sorry you have been so sick and hope your life is back to normal soon.

Lola G. said...

Here's to feeling better every minute -- thanks for stopping in!

Lucy said...

I really hope you feel better. Those are simple yet great tips:)

Veronica Wald said...

Hope you recover super-fast. It's not worth it just to get a few days off from school ;-)

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

So very sorry!!
Lots of sleep for you!
And feel better.

Janice Lynne Lundy said...

Be well, take care, nurture, engage in sacred rest. And, yes, wash those hands. I am a pretty fastidious hand washer and I can't remember the last time I got sick. :-)
Blessings of health...

Anonymous said...

Hon, Get better soon! We have implemented at work not only hand washing but also hand sanitizer dispensers also.

Anonymous said...

PS. Have you entered my giveaway?

sallymandy said...

Thanks for viewing my post, ladies!
Have a spectacular weekend!
P.S. and stay healthy!

Rosaria Williams said...

Thanks for the reminders.

Cynthia L. H. said...

Hope you get well quickly!!!

Lori ann said...

Feel better soon! it's so sweet of you to think of others when your not feeling well yourself. Thank you for the tips!

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to stop by and check up on Seespotrun. Hope she's doing better. (hugs) to all of you and still praying for you.

Awesome Sara said...

shut it!! u have it for reals!!! i hope u feel better!!!

sallymandy said...

Thanks everybody! This is Sallymandy checking in to say SSR is back at school and almost ready to tear the house down with joy for not being stuck at home anymore. We don't call her See Spot Run for nothing. Thank you for your well wishes and prayers.