
Friday, March 27, 2009

Flashback Friday: Favorite Place #1

In 1955 my grandparents built a summer cabin at Placid Lake, Montana.  I grew up going there every summer, and it’s still one of my favorite places.

I’m pretty sure the cabin was my grandfather’s favorite place, too.  These pictures were taken in 1964 when he and some buddies went up in the fall for a hunting trip.     

I think he’s getting up early…although the window shows it’s dark outside, so maybe he’s going to bed.  I love his expression.     


My grandfather was a businessman with many friends in western Montana.  Here’s one content-looking fellow on the trip.     



And another (put on your pants, young man).    


Here’s the outside of the cabin with my grandfather coming around the corner (the lake in the background)…


…and here’s a similar view forty-five years later.  It looks pretty much the same.  That cute girl in the road is one of the fourth generation of family to enjoy going to “the lake.”   

2001-06-28 #0587 - Halle at Placid Lake cabin


  1. I've only seen Montana from air but it was spectacular! What a wonderful place! I do hope you go there often. And what a sweet grandfather. I'm sure you have many beautiful memories of him.

  2. Oh I always love old pictures and family stories.

    That's so nice, all of that.

    Have a great weekend dear


  3. great stories must be in that cabin of the many generations of your family. thanks for sharing a part with us.

  4. Aren't memories wonderful! We recently bought a country house in the area both my husband and me grew up in. I love being able to take my children around to see things and share memories with them.

    P.S. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm going to check out the book you recommended.

  5. Thanks for sharing those pictures. What a lovely spot! In the woods by a lake is one of my very favorite places to be.

  6. Pictures like these are priceless. PRICELESS.
    It reminds me of my childhood summers at our cabin in the Tatra mountains. I too have similar pictures from there.
    The big difference is, your lovely cabin is still in your possession. Our was lost to the communists, rebuilt and transformed to suit the party members needs, after my family emigrated to the west. It still stands today, but it is no longer what we would recognize and I have not seen it for over 25 years. I am not sure that I would like to, as seeing it might break my heart...
    Sorry, for such a lenghty depressive comment.;))
    I hope you are having a lovely weekend.:))))

  7. oh, i wish i could go there. it looks gorgeous and like the perfect escape from the city life. wah.

  8. Well, if you have read my blog you will know that I look back more than I look forward. I love old pictures and adore this story of your cabin in the mountains.

  9. So many stories contained within the walls. have fun.

  10. Treasure these photos, they are precious. What a gorgeous and peaceful place. And your grandfather has a cheeky, sweet expression. His buddies are hilarious. Old photos show such interesting faces, ageless characters. Today we're so obvious and uniform. Brava, this post is a winner.

  11. Just love lakes and cabins...anywhere where there is water is fine with me, East coast girl that I am (was). How did I end up landlocked?!
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

  12. Love this post Sallymandy! I think it brings back memories for many of us. The pictures tell the story...and I think that's the best part; it helps us create our own history by immortalizing the moments. Thanks, it really put a smile on my face:)

  13. I can just about smell that "cabin/camp" smell from looking over your family photos. These, too, brought back memories for me--growing up in Maine we always went for a few weeks to a lakeside "camp"(cabin)and the scenery looks much the same.
    How great is that, that you have kept the property within the family, still.

  14. Hi all...glad you liked these pics. It's a special place and from your comments, many of us have somewhere like this in our lives or memories. I'm especially touched by Protege's story about the family place that was lost.

    This place is probably going to show up on here in the future...

  15. How cool to have something in the family for so long.

    I love the old photos, seeing men of suits reduced to men in the wild, long jammies and all. Sweet.


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