
Sunday, March 29, 2009

Please Welcome My First Guest Blogger

Hi, I’m SEESPOTRUN, and I am a sixth grader at Washington Middle School in beautiful (and very snowy today) Missoula, Montana. I am currently 12 years old, and I enjoy playing soccer, skiing, and playing with my friends and dogs. A few of my pastimes are writing, violin, photography (I took these pictures of the outfits I designed) and playing sports.

I am posting today because my mom SALLYMANDY invited me to be a guest blogger on “The Blue Kimono.” I have always liked fashion design, and even though I would never wear some of the outfits I’ve created—I’ve enjoyed every second of making them up.

What I think about when I make a new outfit is, “Make sure that there are lots and lots of vibrant, awesome colors and patterns.” When I dress, I make sure that I wear something I love. Even if it’s something you don’t like very much like a dull gray shirt, you can spice it up by wearing cut off jeans and an orange sweatshirt! Even if it doesn’t match that’s okay because it’s something you like.


When I designed this outfit, I was thinking since I love to base a lot of my outfits off of funky shoes, I decided to base this outfit off of my favorite pair of Chuck Taylors. I also was thinking of something a little more sophisticated than what I usually wear, but you can make a pair of jeans and some tanks and Converse as sporty looking or as dressed up as you want.


Creating this outfit for me was pretty simple. Like I said before, I love clothes with lots and lots of funky, bright colors and patterns. So I used one of my favorite sweatshirts and one of my favorite shirts to work with. I also used a skirt I used to wear in 5th grade, and I don’t wear it anymore but I used it because the blue in the skirt matches some of the blue in the sweatshirt. And the little bit of orange on the shirt matches the little bit of orange in the sweatshirt. And black goes with everything so the leggings add a nice finishing touch.


On this outfit, I didn’t think about it very much. I don’t wear this sweatshirt very often, and I love blue, so I decided to throw together an outfit of all blue. I think this outfit would look pretty good with my blue Converse, because this one is mostly all solids, and all solids are easy to work with.

I hope you enjoyed this post, and happy Sunday!



  1. i love this post! you are an awesome young thing!

  2. LOVE x 3 this post!!!!!

    So nice and cute young thing!!


  3. Nicely done, SEESPOTRUN! Hey, I think that rhymed. I like the blue hoodie. It's one of my favorite colors.

  4. Hey you're a really good writer. Keep up the good work.

  5. Hello and welcom!;))
    Judging from this lovely post and wonderful pictures, you are as interesting, fashionable and talented as your mom.;))

  6. SEESPOTRUN has a wicked sense of fashion!! My favorite outfit was the colorful hoodie with the capri lenght leggings under the bright blue skirt.
    I know a *nearly* 14 year old who LOVES her Chuck T's and often puts together the most wondeful clothing combinations for dancing around in her room, and yet never wears them out.

  7. Great post! My daughter is about your age and she loves these outfits. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Dear Seespotrun -
    For your first post you did a fabulous job! Very informative and well-written and I'm sure you had lots of fun putting together those very hip outfits! Have a wonderful weekend.


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