
Monday, May 4, 2009

Reposted Thought for the Day May 5 2009


This billboard was seen on a Montana highway, where for a few years in the recent past we didn’t have a speed limit (now we do).   I posted this back when I started my blog.  It reminds me to slow down in a busy day or week. 

I’m posting it again because: 

1.  I’m pooped out, editing a long document from that business meeting last week

2.  I only had a few followers when I first posted it.

3. This post was one that I lost on the Darkest Day in My Blogging Life.  See the note at the very bottom right hand corner of my blog so it doesn’t happen to you!! 

4.  Lastly, people liked this post!  I hope you do, too.

---happy tuesday---


  1. Happy Tuesday to you too. Love the sign!

  2. Great picture and a great sentiment; we all need to slow down sometimes and smell the roses.;))

    Sorry again about you loosing your posts; I wonder sometimes if our posts are backed up by the blogger; do you back up any of your posts? Should one do it? Does anyone do it? I sure don't and I would hate loosing them all.:(

    Hope your Tuesday is lovely and "slow", in a good way.;))

  3. That was a hilarious board.

    I do like it, too. :)

  4. Whoa! I'll remember to slow down my horse LOL!

    I'm tempted to reformat my blog, but fearing I'll completely mess things up. In one week I'll give it a try, and things may "disappear" on mine too.

  5. Cute - hope you're feeling more relaxed after being away! I'm so glad to have found your blog!

  6. Now that's the way to make people sit up, take notice and lessen the pressure on the accelerator!

  7. I really do love this post! Happy 'Tuesday to you too:)

  8. Thanks. I never would have seen this if you hadn't reposted.

  9. Those wacky folks in Montana have a great sense of humor.

  10. What a great sign! Gentle reminder with humor.


  11. I remember being told, the first time I went to Montana, that speed limits were a new thing. And the second time I went to Montana, I was pulled over by a traffic cop for my first (and so far only) time, while driving back to our lodgings late one night. He thought I was going too slow. Hah. I was just terrified I was going to hit a deer!

    I have thought before about how crushed I would be if the content of one of my blogs was accidentally deleted. It's an awful thing to think about. I'm so sorry it happened to you. This must have been before I became a reader. Do you do anything to back up copies of your posts now? I have thinking about this lately myself.

  12. That's a wonderful image because of the sign(I love quirky messages and intended and unintended humor in public signs and notices)and the scenery!!
    And how wild west is that, that it was only recently there were speed limits on the highways there?!
    It's always a good idea to slow down--hope your Tuesday has been one full of happy moments and productivity so far...

  13. I love Slow everything, and I loved that sign when I first read your old post.

    Happy Tuesday to you too, and take it easy. Sending love and light, ciao!

    PS: I missed you!

  14. Hi SallyMandy! I'm coming over from Lola's, I had to follow that darling little kitten. What a lovely blog you have, and Montana, wow, so beautiful. I haven't been in a loooog time, but I can't wait to see that part of the country again! Great sign, and it's so nice to meet you.
    Oh, and i love what you are doing with repurposing the clothes, I would love to join in June...
    ♥ lori

  15. what a great sign!

    and losing all those posts. wah?!??!? that is horrible!!! i recently lost all my photos on my computer at home when i had to get a new hard drive. i thought about crying, but it wasn't going to help. but i was very mad/sad.

    you hang in there. i hope you heed your advice and you slow down and chill. grab a beer or a glass of wine, put those feel up, and CHILL! :)

  16. Thanks, Jane!

    Protege: No, my experience was that Blogger does not back up anything. Unfortunately they weren't helpful when I lost mine, either. :( I think we should back them up, and I'm investigating how to do it.

    Suecae: thanks!

    Sher: Silly...slow down that ol' paint, Missy! I understand your fear about changing things on your blog. I do hope to figure out backing up and if I do, will report.

    April: glad you liked it.

    Imogen: thanks, dear. It was nice getting away. I love your blog, too, as everyone knows.

    Thanks, Ms Lucy. It was a happy Tuesday.

    Frugal: good, glad you came over!

    Pyzahn: Yup, wacky is our middle name. :)

    Renaissance: I agree.

    Stephanie: Well, I think we were w/o speed limits only for a few years--it was an experiment. Now it's 75 mph so you almost might as well not have them. Funny story about going too slow!

    Gal: Yes, I can understand why you'd like the sign. You have quirky humor too. See above though..we have normally had speed limits. Thanks, I did have a productive Tuesday.

    Lola: Ciao too, I missed you also. Glad you're back.

    Lori ann: Thanks for visiting! Many thanks for your kind comments.

    Droll: That's such a bummer about losing your photos. Waah! So sorry that happened. I think maybe I cried when I lost my posts, but maybe I just went straight to mad. Thanks for your nice words. Slow down, slow down...repeat until slowing has occurred.


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