
Friday, August 21, 2009

E-Laryngitis Means…







I temporarily lost my e-voice, emphasis on TEMPORARY! 

Have been gone a long time—more than I thought—and looking forward to grabbing that silly ol’ Muse once again when she happens to stumble on my doorstep.

Help me out and discuss:  what do you do when the creative river goes underground for a spell? 

love, sallymandy


  1. It happens to me quite often. I walk out with my camera and start taking pictures. The rest takes care of itself. See my last post.

    Welcome back.

  2. I start where I am with what I have and see what arises of its own accord. Sometimes its worthy, sometimes not - sometimes there are wonderful surprises.

  3. I'm going through the same thing at the moment - but I think it's because I have some family commitments which are taking up my time and leaving me emotionally exhausted. So nice to see you back posting again though Sallymandy - you've been missed.

  4. I agree with Bonnie. I have written entire posts before, only to yank them later. And at other times, the words just seem to flow from my fingertips, leaving me quite surprised and inspired to write even more.
    Don't fret over it. Post some reruns or some of your lovely photos or funny postcard type pictures.

  5. I just sit back with a good book:) That seems to happen quite often;)

  6. Welcome back! Sorry about that voice loss.;))
    What I do when I have a *blog block*? I look around. You would be surprised, but the best posts I have written and read by others as well, are those that are just free ramblings and reflections about the mundane, everyday things we see and experience on daily bases.;))
    Have a wonderful weekend.;))

  7. Welcome back!!!

    I rely on a sum of all the advice given by my fellow bloggers before me: leave town, take lots of photos and wait for surprises.

    Ever heard of Plinky prompts? Just an idea...

    Big hugs,
    ~Lola xx

  8. I write about my past, which I've been trying to document through the lens of all the years gone by. Meanwhile, elderly cousin is extending himself to fill me in on the past of my past - my father's family history. I'm doing a lot of genealogy on both my mother's and my father's sides, thinking and writing about it and my own life on this earth,, illustrated with scans of old pictures. It's been a very interesting exercise, and amazingly, some of my blog readers seem to enjoy it too.

  9. I open up a book at random and pick a topic from within those pages.

  10. Hi Sallymandy, I've missed you. It comes and goes and comes and goes. I accept the inevitable and say, "Oh there it is again." And then I bide my time until it passes. I've found my fellow bloggers to be an understanding group. It happens to all of us. See you when you're ready to be seen!
    Catherine xx

  11. I have lost my blogging "voice", too.
    All sorts of visions and thoughts I would love to share(and have constantly been taking photos), but no energy(it has been HOT and our home computer is in the warmest room in the house)and a bit of summer restlessness has kept me away.
    Nice to know you are "here"(love that illustration up top) and maybe the crisper fall weather will release our blogging muse, and we'll all get back into it then.

  12. I stop writing and continue reading (literature not blogs, go for walks, practice yoga. Hope you don't feel obliged, and look forward to you returning when you wish.

  13. These are some great insights! Thanks, everyone. Good ideas that I can pull out again next time the block comes around.


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