
Sunday, August 23, 2009

Inhabit this moment. You are living a fantasy you dreamed of, or one you will remember.

dome5.jpg photography image by lalababyy813

Inhabit this moment.   

This is the moment we dreamed of when we were ten.  When we said to our best friend:  “Won’t it be great when we grow up?  To get to wear those white go-go boots?  It’s going to be like this, and this, and this.”   

This is the moment we dreamed of, the day we looked ahead to.  

P1016471.jpg beach image by redsmiles19

Inhabit this moment. 

This is the day we will look back on in ten, twenty, or thirty years.  We will see a photograph of ourselves in this moment and think, “Damn, my body looked good then.  What was I complaining about?”

Or, “I wish I had that person in my life again.” 

We will remember this moment and yearn for what was and will never be again. 

Daisy.jpg focus image by Blondebergie911

Time bends and does not stand still. 

Inhabit this moment, for all the selves we have been and will be. 



  1. What a fabulous post. You're so right. Thank you.

  2. Thank SallyMandy - I'm going to make that my mantra for the day: "Inhabit This Moment". Such a good reminder, as it is so easy to just let the moments slip away, unnoticed and unappreciated.

  3. This is happiness to be in the moment,not wait for a time to come or one thats past.I call that a life artist (directly translated form Norwegian)there has got to be a better word in English.To embrace what comes to you and go with it!

  4. Oh, how true! Except for the "Damn, my body looked good then" part.

  5. Thank you! Reminds me of a friend who sent me the saying, "The past is history, the future is mystery, now is a gift, that's why they call it "the present".

  6. very wise words. live in the moment!

  7. Wonderful. I love it when you post philosophy!

    Except I've already seen pictures of me and said that. Have I inhabited and left the premises already?

    Oh dear. Must be one of those days...

  8. You don't know how grateful I am for reading this post right now. Thanks!

  9. A great sentiment; never really learned in time.

  10. Great thoughts and a good reminder not to get wrapped up in the past and wishing the future had already happened!

  11. It is so important to be reminded of that - thank you! I've been wishing time way (for various stressful family reasons) and I need to remember that I can find the beauty in these days, even if I may be happier when they've passed.

  12. Thanks, all of you, for your comments. I had ample opportunity to remember my own words in the day or two after I posted this.

  13. What a beautiful reminder to stay present! Sometimes you seem to write exactly what I'm thinking about!


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