Hi, I'm Sally. That's not my real name, but it's the nickname my grandfather gave me before I could even talk. He was a history lover and gentle soul, and this blog is dedicated to the ways he inspired me.
This blog began in 2009 as The Blue Kimono. In the early days we generated a lot of great conversation here on topics ranging from fashion to design to art and life in general, mostly for women. Lots of those blog posts are here in my archives and still get traffic every day.
Over the course of those years, my interest in eco-friendly fashion led me to open a recycled clothes business called Redress Clothing. Later, this venture morphed into vintage clothing shop called Chronologie Vintage. Those businesses are closed now after several successful years (my "About" page originally said that proceeds from my shop were going directly into my daughter's college fund. That child is now a senior in college...we almost did it...thanks, everyone!)
now make my living copywriting for small and large businesses using skills and tools I learned through my own clothing businesses.
In May of 2018 I decided to fire up The Blue Kimono again. The content still gets regular traffic, and I miss writing about the things I love.
I studied history, design, and clothing construction in college. This blog is where I bring all those skills and interests together. Out of my own experience, study, and writing, I have a lot to share. I hope you'll join me.
You can reach me at thebluekimonon@earthlink.net. Drop me a line--I'd love to hear from you.
Views of the studio in downtown Missoula, Montana where The Blue Kimono was born. This was a room in a renovated red-light-district hotel.
*All proceeds from my website and vintage shop go directly into my daughter's college fund.
Chronologie Vintage is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com.
Occasionally I will endorse a book or other product on Amazon that I find to be of outstanding quality--I will never do this for a product I haven't personally used or tested and find to be a good value.
As of this writing, I have only one endorsed product from Amazon: my essential vintage clothes shopping handbook, Melody Fortier's The Little Guide to Vintage Shopping
updated January 2014.