Thursday, April 16, 2009

Something Fast for Thursday

I've had a large work deadline this week. It's a grant proposal and final report to the Liz Claiborne Foundation, which supports the group I work for. In general they love our work, but once they criticized one of the reports I wrote, so I always want to be extra careful when writing to these folks.

AND SO, today I'm not writing much but simply posting two favorite photos from the Internet. These always make me smile. Even if I'm grumpy and don't want anyone to know I'm smiling, I do it on the inside.
Happy Remainder of Thursday, dear readers.



Saz said...

I'm smiling on the inside. And outside.

Stephanie N. said...

Kitties, or babies, kitties, or babies, kitties, or babies... it's so hard to decide which one makes me happier.

ceecee said...

Funny the way babies zero in on each other. I see them sometimes in restaurants...they zero in from all the way across the room. (Can you tell I don't have kids?)And of course cats are smarter than kids! Ha! I love that photo...the whole neighborhood showed up! Good luck with the proposal. And have a great weekend too. You know where I'll be - in the kitchen, and not with Dinah!

Eleonora Baldwin said...

Great photos, sallymandy. I think I like the fisherman best. Although I wouldn't mind bumping into a hot single guy with baby in the supermarket...

You be sure to rest up and focus on the deadline. I start work on a film next week, so my posting will sadly diminish. I'm so into blogging now, that I'm almost regretting this gig (good for my meager income, though!).

Ciao and goodnight (it's 1am here)

Pyzahn said...

Throw in some puppies and we've got universal happiness.

Too cute!

Duchesse said...

Are these from Pixdaus? Love that site, it's so much more uplifting than the daily (bad) news.

Jennifer said...

I loved the photos. They remind me of blogging - the inexorable draw of fellow beings, of commonality even with those who are different from you, as even between fishermen and cats.

Good for you for blogging with a deadline. Good luck!

drollgirl said...

i hope it goes well!

and love the fishing kitties. ha!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Babies and Kitten how can I not smile :) Good luck on your report.

sallymandy said...

Thanks all. My report went well and I took a looong nap today.

Lola, good luck with your new project.

Duchesse, I honestly can't remember where I got these pix from. It's been a few months. Might check out the site you recommend though.

Jennifer: good point about blogging!

The Renaissance Chick said...

Get that report finished! We will be here when you get back!


Imogen Lamport, AICI CIP said...


Good luck with the proposals!

Profoundly Superficial said...

Will keep my fingers and toes crossed for the grant proposal!

sallymandy said...

What a great post. Enjoy the beautiful weekend!


sallymandy said...

Renaissance, Imogen, and ProSup: thanks, you all. The report and proposal finished up okay. We usually get this one, even if we did have a disgruntled board member once!

See Spot Run: Thank you, dear--and you need to leave comments from your account, not mine, or it looks like I left my own comment. Love, Mom

Jennifer Campaniolo said...

Hi Sallymandy,

Your comment that I'm not the Jennifer that has been commenting a lot inspired me to comment!

I love the 2nd picture--that made me smile, too.
