Sunday, June 7, 2009

Dance Like No One is Watching














I love this lady and her spirit.  Did you notice?  She’s wearing a crown.  Both her hands are turned up, and open.  She’s my heroine for the week.   

Happy Monday (even though it’s still Sunday).

All Rights Reserved, Patience Brewster.


drollgirl said...

this is great!!! i am shy to dance in front of others, but alone it is rather fun!

hope your weekend is going well! :)

PurestGreen said...

Oh, I love her. She reminds me of my Tante Emma, who was round and glorious and rode her bicycle everywhere, even at 80 years old. She could do the chicken dance like no one else on earth.

Thanks for this:)

Rosaria Williams said...

Perfect attitude.

mati said...

love this sublime painting! full of feeling and grace too! have a super day!

Patsy said...

That is true liberation.

Seeker said...

OMG I love her!!!!
The sense of liberation, of hope, like nothing matters but HER.

Thanks for sharing.


Alettesiriane said...

I was at a gathering of woman with interests in old costumes.A dinner in our honor in a small house with table so tightly together with food and so all over.The fiddelplayer starts up.The most exotic colorfull largest woman pops up to dance.Oh no I think how will this go.I wih you could see her.So elegant dancing.I am at awe!I would have fallen over a table had I dared up and dance!

Anonymous said...

Oh my stars, this is such perfect timing - on Friday, I met with a counsellor at my cancer institute. She has proposed that I try pulling the curtains in my living room, putting on some "tribal" music, and dancing like no one is watching! How interesting that you post this just two days later!

Happy Monday to you!

Jennifer said...

I love this! And, I am so glad that you brought up Patience Brewster. When my kids were little, we loved the books "Nobody" and "I Met A Polar Bear." It's nice to know what she is doing these days. All I knew was that those books were out of print.

Jennifer said...

Sallymandy, today I started with your Sunday post, and read back during the week from there. I had not been online much this week to see it. I'm sorry I wasn't here.

Imogen Lamport, AICI CIP said...

I did this yesterday, my daughter put on some music did a little dance, then left the room, so I got to dance by myself.

Anonymous said...

That's probably what I looked like attempting the Macarina yesterday LOL! But life is too short to worry :)

Penney said...

I do this all the time, easpecially when I'm creating...doing my thing..even when the guys are around. They all xoxo it!
Wouldn't have it any other way...
I xoxo her!!! you too...Penney

Linda Lu said...

I love this picture. I wonder what the medium is though. Watercolour?

ethelmaepotter! said...

I think that's me. Sure looks like my thighs...
Your posts are always a highlight of my day, whether they are thought provoking or funny or both! Thank you!


Anonymous said...

Think I saw her on Britain's got Talent. Or a fan at least.

Ingrid Mida said...

What wonderful energy! It is a lovely reminder to live with the spirit of abandon and joy!

Maria Killam said...

I love that expression, and she's perfect for it!

ceecee said...

I do it all the time, Sallymandy. At first glance I thought this was me! Ha!
Catherine xx

Eleonora Baldwin said...

Hey how did you get that picture of me in my bikini and tiara?!

I've started a diet. I don't fit into anything anymore and I feel disgusting when I look in the mirror. Not good.

But I still - and always will, whatever my weight - dance like no one is watching.

Thank you for this. Sometimes we forget how beautiful we are.

Love, Lola xx

La Belette Rouge said...

What an ebullient expression of joy. Love her!

Bronwyn said...

He he :) She's lovely!

sallymandy said...

Thank you, everyone. Now go get out your ballet or tap shoes and have at it.

I want to meet Tante Emma.

angela recada said...

She's the perfect woman with the perfect attitude! I've been looking everywhere for a role model, and here she is!

Woman in a Window said...

And if they're watching, hope they enjoy. Yes, dance!