Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My Bad.


Sunday, I didn’t attribute the source I used in my post about the history of the dahlia.

Geez, that post was so fun to write, that I was caught up in the story, and in the photos of the gorgeous flowers

and the story about the young Aztec scholars, and the enigma about when the double dahlia emerged from cultivation... 

I had my imagining cap on…

Snakes No More Forever! My Snake-Away Hat by Jean Albus.

…instead of my scholar’s cap…

Graduate cap and tassle

…and so, in a fit of forgetfulness, I did not name the source I used for all that

Glorious Flower Information. 

It was: 

The Dahlia, An Early History from Harvard University’s Arnold Arboretum. 

If you’d like more fascinating facts about this most excellent flower, you can click on the title above.

And while I’m at it let me mention some of my outstanding readers who left remarks on this post, like Deja Pseu, who majored in ornamental horticulture (how cool is that?); and Stephanie N., who owes me a margarita, because I”m pretty sure she’s going to be on Jeopardy some day; and Sugar Cain, whose boyfriend is probably not going to thank me; and drollgirl, who’s going to make her artistic splash painting dahlias. 


your humble servant in the pursuit of all knowledge historical and flower-related, and who does respect the rules about plagiarism but is not above forgetting them in the joy and frenzy of a flower-induced high,


p.s. The Imagining Hat photograph is my friend Jean Albus, the fabulosa artist and imaginer, and that is her own photo called “Snakes No More Forever!  Snake-Away Hat.”  To see Jean’s work on Flickr, click here: Jean Albus


Anonymous said...

LOL! Hilarious! Love the hat! And the facial expression! Too funny.

Daniel Alejandro Romano said...

I want that Cap!! Great design!!
Cool blog, will come back!!

Patsy said...

That picture makes me think of Dr. Seuss. :-) :-) :-)

Eleonora Baldwin said...

You're so cool.

Anonymous said...

LMAO! Where do you find these pictures?!

Stephanie N. said...

I think I need an imagining cap. And yeah, I owe you two margaritas now.

La Belette Rouge said...

I prefer the imagining hat to the scholarly cap!

Anonymous said...

great blog!

Woman in a Window said...

Ah man, I missed the goof-up. Better go and see.

Nice hat, sallymandy!

xxx said...

all scholars caps look the same... but the imagining cap is a story all of its own!..... oooh love the imagining cap :-)

best wishes

Rosaria Williams said...

Yes, more information, please.

sallymandy said...

Hey everyone, isn't that hat photo great? Please go check out Jean's photostream on Flickr by following the link in the post.

Lakeviewer, did you find what you were looking for?