Friday, June 26, 2009

He Said, She Said: Has This Ever Happened to You?


She:  $%&#@!!!

He:  …?…?…?…

Who has the funniest expression—the annoyed wife, or the bewildered husband?  This really made me laugh. 

Have a great weekend, and may your summer not have too many of these moments.  ♥  ♥  ♥


Stephanie N. said...

Wait, are you sure you haven't been following my husband and me around on all our vacations, convention trips, and holiday visits with family?

Anonymous said...

HIlarious! Great way to end the week - with laughter! Thank you for that.

Cynthia L. H. said...

SOOOOOO glad I don't have to deal with that any more.
:^) :^) ;^)

Innerspace Yoga said...

totally! when my husband retired, we celebrated by driving across the country. i soon realized a mom never really gets a vacation, and i will never be retired from my duties!

Rosaria Williams said...

Absolutely! Mom is always stuck with chores, while evryone else runs off to have fun. We have created monsters.

Great picture.

Patsy said...

HahahahahahaHAHAHA! but she does it anyhow! :-) :-) :-)

Anonymous said...

Classic Men are from Mars, Women from Venus moment :D

Darla said...

Oh yes indeed! The Big Guy here does at least cook his own catch tho.


Eleonora Baldwin said...

Wait... what is she doing with that bucket? And why is he wearing a kelly bag? Grounds for an arguement, both ways.


Ahh, the benefits of traveling alone with a complacent 3 yr old.

Lola xx

Suecae Sounds said...

Very funny. I love these vintage pictures!

drollgirl said...

haha!! there of plenty of moments like this in my house!

hope you have a great weekend!

Maria Killam said...

That is funny, what is she pouring into the teapot I'd like to know :)