Sunday, May 17, 2009

“To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong.”


by Joseph Chilton Pearce.  Photographer:  unknown.


PurestGreen said...

I'm going to print this and post it near my desk at work, where I need it most. Thanks!

Rosaria Williams said...

There was actually a photo of our famour rat?

Tood title.

Seeker said...

So true!!!!!!!

Love the picture

littlebyrd said...

I like that. A lot!!

david mcmahon said...

Did someone intone: ``Say cheese''? !!!

(Sorry, I couldn't resist that!)

Jane said...

I have spent all weekend feeling scared. This helps!

Zuzana said...

So true and a great thing to read on a Monday morning.;)
Love the picture.;))

Anonymous said...

I'm sitting here pondering how they got that little helmet on him...... :D

Eleonora Baldwin said...

Ha ha ha ha ha I loved this... the fearless!

Thanks for this, I needed it.

Ciao bella

Woman in a Window said...

I hope he's going head first and not going to grab with his little fingers.

La Belette Rouge said...

A helmet helps. I need to get one of those.;-)

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

funny comments! It's so true...but this is how I feel re FEAR:
Before I wasn't, then I was, now I am, soon I'll not be, but that's life...must continue to renew my mind daily & remember that fear is the opposite of LOVE... There, I said it & I'm sticking to it! ~HEE* (hope I'm making some sense err???)

;)Great week to you dear!

Gal Friday said...

Oh, it's Ralph! ;-)

The quote--this is what I need to repeat to myself, really.

Maria Killam said...

Love this quote and it's so true!! I would add, to have a great life, an inspired life, a happy life, giving up being right is the access to it all!! great post.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the first laugh of the day.


Imogen Lamport, AICI CIP said...

Who says what is right and what is wrong? The reason I steered clear of the mathematical end of town is it's all too black and white, I much prefer the shades of grey.

sallymandy said...

This little dude is my newest inspiration. Just put on me helmet and face the day, matey.

Lenore and Maria, you had great add-ons to the quote. You have futures in the refrigerator magnet business, I feel.

Thanks everybody. ♥

Jennifer Campaniolo said...

I think I might need to link to this post on my blog--I love the quote and the pic!
