Monday, May 4, 2009

Vanna White Dog and Flowers de la Semaine



“earth laughs in flowers”  

ralph waldo emerson

p.s. you might remember from the last post about flowers that Vanna’s really a boy (who needs his summer haircut), and his name is Riley.   


Sarah Sullivan said...

Whoo hoo happy dog!! Lovely flowers too! I'm in Coeur d Alene!
Loved all your pics!! Sarah

Pyzahn said...

Sweet...Vanna White Dog.

I named my guy...Murphy Brown Dog.

Great minds think alike. Si?

sallymandy said...

Hey Sarah, thanks! We're practically neighbors. It's so beautiful over there. Thanks for stopping by.

Pyzahn: Oh, that's a cute name for your dog! Vanna's actually a boy, and his real name is Reilly. He puts on his Vanna persona on flower day. :)

Zuzana said...

Beautiful contrast in colours; red and white.;) The dog is so cute, wonderful; light and fluffy.;)
Are those carnations? They are absolutely gorgeous and one of my favorite flowers, right after Lilies.
I tried to follow the link to more pictures, but it refused to load (it might be system though).

I also want to thank you for leaving so many wonderful comments on my blog always, they make me very happy.;)
Hope your Monday is wonderful!;)

The WalMart Vegan said...

Such a cute doggy! Flowers always make me smile. I enjoyed your post about grocery store flowers. Some of my favorite bouquets are the wildflowers (dandelions and all sorts of things) that my daughter lovingly picks and brings in to me.

Jennifer Campaniolo said...

Nice flowers and what a pretty dog!

I almost adopted a kitten this weekend but since we already have one pampered adult cat, we decided against it--for now!

I love small dogs like her.


Susan B said...

Cute doggie!!!

drollgirl said...

such a cute dog!!! he totally reminds me of that jeff koons sculpture of a similar dog. :)

La Belette Rouge said...

Great minds think alike. I posted pictures of my little flower, Lily, today. Your Vanna is sooooo cute!!!

Seeker said...

Oh, great pictures, my fav the first, with a nice concept.



Saz said...

lovely, olvely images!! so sweet!

Jennifer said...

I love your quote! Is that why they are so irresistible.

Rosaria Williams said...

I have seen you in blogland, and have meant to drop in for a visit. I loved the Vanna White post.

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

So...Vanna is his persona on flower day! He is very special...I love pets with multiple personalities! ;)You have a lovely new week darling! ~XO*

Anonymous said...

How did you get him to sit still for even a second? LOL! What a cutie!

Unknown said...

great shots! how did you get Vanna? to pose for her/his portrait?

Woman in a Window said...

Pretty flowers. I laugh a little thinking of your tiny pup and a pretty vase and my 100 mentally deranged lab and my soiled floors.

Tessa said...

They go so well together - Riley/Vanna and the lovely flowers! Perfect pairing.

Patsy said...

Dogs and flowers: The signs of a good person.

sallymandy said...

Protege: Yes, I loved the contrast in these flowers too. They are carnations. Thanks for the tip about the link problem. You're welcome. ♥

Modest: Oh, thanks. He's pretty scruffy in this picture. I know, I like kid flowers too.

Jennifer: thank you...cats are so wonderful. I always had one, but my husband is allergic so now we have these low-shedding dogs. I love them, too.

Deja: Thanks!

Poetikat: Oh, you're funny. We can't stand it. We get silly and stupid with them, like we said we wouldn't.

Droll: Thanks, I'll have to look up that artist.

Belette: I need to come "visit" Miss Lily. Little flower, too sweet.

Thanks, Seeker.

FFF: glad you like them!

Jennifer: I like that quote, too. Maybe nature laughs in dogs, too.

Lakeviewer: Thank you for coming over. Glad you like Vanna/Riley.

Lenore: Yes, he's kind of a psycho pup.

Sher: I had to work hard to get him to sit there. Lots of loud voices and finger snapping.

Doreen: See comment to Sher!

WiW: Oh, please don't think my house is clean. The first photo was taken on the rather icky kitchen carpet, and I could not post it. So upstairs we went. (Carpet in a kitchen would not be my choice!)

Tessa: thank you, dear. I think they enhance each other's wonderfulness.

Lorna: Oh, good, I'm glad you think so. ♥